18 May 2008

Of lazy days

Written Saturday in Bruge...

It's funny how the rain seems to follow you. I'm convinced that the monotonous, wet weather was the same that flooded parts of the DC area earlier in the week. What's funny is that in DC no one went out in it unless you absolutely had to. People here are still out and about walking and trying to go about their lives. Ok, many are tourists who don't want to get stuck in a hotel for the day, but still... (Pictured: the canals in Bruge)

I did a bit of going out in the morning. Had a rather pleasant walk actually. I managed to get a few things I needed. But for the most part, it's been a rather blah day spend in my tiny hostel room. I have managed to chat with R on Skype for quite a while, which was nice. But I do feel tired and I don't know if I'll get out to hear some of the live jazz I wanted to tonight.

I've also decided that I just don't like traveling alone. It's just not me. I want someone to experience things with, not just to be be someplace. The best part of my day was talking with R. She surprised me by saying she couldn't wait for me to get there because she wanted to go someplace in Bg with me. Not to go somewhere special, just to see something different in the country. I think I've given her the travel bug - which is good for me. (Pictured, more canals in Bruge - I particularly like this one).

As you can see by the pictures, I did manage to get out a bit last night between the raindrops (after I woke up at midnight from my 8 hr late afternoon nap). I like them...

Anyways, I'm off to watch a little BSG I've downloaded. Such a lazy day - it'd be great if I was in the states, but I wish I didn't spend my time in Bruge this way.

Of the beginning...

From notes in my notebook when I first got to Belgium on Friday....

Well, I've landed. Didn't sleep well, if at all, but I'm exhilarated to be back. It's a misty, dreary day here, but comfortably cool.

I have a theory, which I've just though up in my tired, hungry, non-caffeinated state (Note to self, get a freakin' cafe ASAP). I've decided that you can tell a lot about a country based upon its infrastructure. And in most countries, the most basic infrastructure is the train system.

I have to say Belgium gives the impression of being very well organized and maintained. Of course, this surprises no one. It is what it is though.

First impressions of this place I probably will call home someday? Its quintessential, typical Europe. That's not necessarily a bad thing at all, now is it? I'm looking out the window at row houses of mixed age and upkeep, some high rises being built in what I assume is the business district, and the odd cathedral in the distance. City center looks soulless from the train, but otherwise things are the way I like them in many ways.

Looking at all the tourists looking lost at Brussels-Nord, I can't help but hope I don't look as lost - even more, I hope I don't look so American. I know I do though. To be able to get rid of the tourist label.... Its the same everywhere though - especially in DC.

Of course we started into an interesting area and immediately went underground! Such is life. Why can't American get some of these things. If only we had a well developed train system used by everyone. I look out at this station, and its just so well taken care of. Hell they announce every stop in three languages.

I think Europe is on of 3 things to people (another caffeine lacking idea). Its either weird and nothing special, or it a wonderful place to take a vacation every couple years - kinda like going to the history museum - or its just gets into your blood. This disease is in my blood my veins now, I think.

Ok, I've written quite enough. Time to no be jealous of (aka annoyed) the 2-3 people who just got on the train and coffee and bread. Not fair! Yahoos!

15 May 2008

Of the Last minute panic!

So here I am writing when I shouldn't be again. Still haven't STARTED packing (by that I mean actually putting things into a suitcase) but I have been cleaning and sorting for a couple hours now. I figure I have about 20 minutes until I HAVE to start in order to get everything I need to into my bags.

My one problem is that I have to leave on bag in Brussels between my time there (I'll be there to start and then back again 5 weeks later). I'm trying to use the smallest possible suitcases in order to just "get by". The real problem is that I can only take one checked bag on domestic European flights. Eh...

And now I just noticed my shorts - mind you my only shorts I'm taking for the entire summer trip - are ripping in the crotch! Damnit! I am not very good at sewing. Is it stereotypically wrong of me to hope my female roommate knows how and will be willing to quickly fix my shorts? I mean, I just am not good at this type of thing. No time to buy new ones either. Seriously, DAMNIT.

Ok, must be off. Flight takes off in 5 hrs....

14 May 2008

Of Procrastination and Packing

So I did the whole "day before you leave running around like a madman" thing today. Per usual, I didn't get half of what's on my list done. Par for the course I guess. I don't know about anyone else, but I always end up packing at the last minute for things. It doesn't matter what I'm packing for, it could be a day trip or 80 days in Europe. I give pretty much the same consideration to my packing. As of yet, this hasn't turned around and bit me too badly. But there's a first for everything.

I'm just plain exhausted. I don't know if it's been the endless stress and go of the past 5 months or simply the lack of sleep the last three weeks. Today I just am running out of steam. I'm working towards an easier Fall/Winter by pushing myself as hard as I can go right now. No matter how hard I push though, I always feel lazy - like I could've done more. Maybe I have ADD or something, because at times I just cannot focus on what I need to be doing...

Like right now for example. I really should be cleaning and packing so that my things get done. Heck, I could even rationalize a healthy bowl of ice cream in order to finish off what's in the freezer before I leave. It's great to be able to rationalize ice cream. But I sit here on my duff writing a blog post I just don't have time for after checking my email, my flight itinerary, my facebook, the latest NPR hourly update on my podcast (cool note that John Edwards endorsed Obama tonight - let's just get this primary shtick over with).

Anyway, I digress (which means the opposite of what most people think). I'm off to pack for this last summer adventure of mine. Some people have bachelor parties, I have summer trips to Europe. By this point tomorrow I'll be most of the way to Brussels. Here's hoping I've enjoyed a glass or two of wine and am soundly asleep.

I might make a notation tomorrow, but if not, I'll next write from Bruge. Yeah, it's just starting to hit me I'm headed back over the pond (there's knowing and then there's realizing).

Happy times.

13 May 2008

Of the start of something new...

I am not new to blogging. I have another blog elsewhere out in the grand ether known as the internet. But to be honest, somewhere along the line I lost my anonymity with it and thus lost my voice. It saddens me that I've stopped posting there after 4 years, but I no longer wrote for myself, but rather for my audience - and that's just not what I want.

So a quick, random bit about myself which (hopefully) won't cause me to lose that anonymity that I crave. I'm currently living in Washington, DC whilst going to graduate school focusing on European Affairs. I've lived abroad in Europe for over 2 years and am currently engaged to a wonderful Bg woman, who we shall call R, and we're set to be married later this summer providing the embassy in Sofia doesn't muck things up in a couple weeks.

I'm lucky enough to be spending the summer studying and traveling in Europe. I'm even going to a number of places I'm ashamed to say I've missed in my previous travels. I'm a bit of a news hound and political junkie, so I hope to make a rant or two as the year progresses. Of course, this should include international politics as well as that minor affair engrossing US politics right now.

No matter what, I hope to post with regularity sharing my whimsical discoveries, deeper learning, exciting experiences and fun travels. Yeah, that sounded utterly corny. Regardless, I hope to write better than I am now closing in at 4am local. This should be fun.