18 May 2008

Of the beginning...

From notes in my notebook when I first got to Belgium on Friday....

Well, I've landed. Didn't sleep well, if at all, but I'm exhilarated to be back. It's a misty, dreary day here, but comfortably cool.

I have a theory, which I've just though up in my tired, hungry, non-caffeinated state (Note to self, get a freakin' cafe ASAP). I've decided that you can tell a lot about a country based upon its infrastructure. And in most countries, the most basic infrastructure is the train system.

I have to say Belgium gives the impression of being very well organized and maintained. Of course, this surprises no one. It is what it is though.

First impressions of this place I probably will call home someday? Its quintessential, typical Europe. That's not necessarily a bad thing at all, now is it? I'm looking out the window at row houses of mixed age and upkeep, some high rises being built in what I assume is the business district, and the odd cathedral in the distance. City center looks soulless from the train, but otherwise things are the way I like them in many ways.

Looking at all the tourists looking lost at Brussels-Nord, I can't help but hope I don't look as lost - even more, I hope I don't look so American. I know I do though. To be able to get rid of the tourist label.... Its the same everywhere though - especially in DC.

Of course we started into an interesting area and immediately went underground! Such is life. Why can't American get some of these things. If only we had a well developed train system used by everyone. I look out at this station, and its just so well taken care of. Hell they announce every stop in three languages.

I think Europe is on of 3 things to people (another caffeine lacking idea). Its either weird and nothing special, or it a wonderful place to take a vacation every couple years - kinda like going to the history museum - or its just gets into your blood. This disease is in my blood my veins now, I think.

Ok, I've written quite enough. Time to no be jealous of (aka annoyed) the 2-3 people who just got on the train and coffee and bread. Not fair! Yahoos!

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